Midwest Outdoor Experience Winter Series Rules
Safety & Sportsmanship
Safe boating must be observed at all times. Life jackets and kill switches must be used anytime the combustion motor is running above idle. All contestants are required to follow the highest degree of sportsmanship, courtesy, integrity, and conservation. No alcohol or controlled substances can be used or in the boat during tournament hours. Midwest Outdoor Experience or any assistant will not be held accountable or liable for any incidents during tournament hours.
Off Limits
200 yards from Coffman Beach Public Access, PB2 Cove Point to Point, Alhonna Cove Point to Point, and all designated areas off limits by corps of engineers, local, state, or federal authorities.
Entry Fee
Cash only. Each boat will pay $120 which will include big bass for that tournament.
Must be 18 years of age to be a boater. Co-angler under the age of 18 must be accompanied by someone over the age of 18. Each boat may have one (1) or two (2) total anglers.
Scoring & Culling
Five (5) fish limit per boat. One (1) fish will be weighed for big bass. Largemouth and smallmouth must be at minimum 15 inches. Spotted bass (kentuckies) must be at a minimum 12 inches. Fish length will be measured with mouth closed and tail pinched with weigh station ruler. Five (5) fish limit must be alive when brought to weigh-in. A short fish will result in a one (1) pound penalty plus the loss of the fish. A dead fish will result in a one (1) pound penalty per fish. If the dead fish is weighed in for Big Bass, the (1) pound will be deducted from that fish. No more than five (5) fish are allowed in a live well at any time, unless it is during the culling process. Anyone bringing more than five (5) fish to the scale will automatically be disqualified. Culling of dead bass is prohibited. If there is a tie for overall weight, winner will be determined by lowest boat number. If there is a tie for big bass, the winner will be determined by lowest boat number.
Series Points
Points are awarded at each tournament and will accumulate throughout the series. Teams (or solo angler) will receive 10 points for show up. Additional points will then be awarded based on tournament results and big bass. First place will start at 50 additional points and each place after will descend one point. (i.e. 1st 50 pts, 2nd 49 pts, 3rd 48 pts…) Winners of big bass will receive 20 additional points, and second big bass will receive 10 additional points. YOU MUST WEIGH IN AT LEAST ONE FISH EACH TOURNAMENT TO RECEIVE ADDITIONAL POINTS.
Each team will be allowed to use one alternate for the series, or fish solo if your partner/alternate cannot make it. You ARE allowed to fish solo for the entire series/tournament if you choose.
Tackle & Equipment
Artificial baits only (pork style trailers are allowed). If using the Alabama Rig you must abide by state regulations for the number of hooks. All fish must be caught with rod and reel. Each angler can only have one line in the water at any time.
All boats must have a working livewell, kill switch, and meet coast guard requirements. All boats must possess insurance. Midwest Outdoor Experience will not be held liable for any incidents leading up to, during, or after the event, no matter the circumstances.
Apparel Bonus
If you or your partner purchase a Midwest Outdoor Experience shirt or hat and have it with you on tournament day, you are eligible to win $120 if you’re the first team out of the money. Example…We’re paying 5 places and you get 6th place, if you have a hat or shirt you win $120.
Video Rights
Midwest Outdoor Experience has the right to publish any photos or videos from the tournament day on any social media or other media platform.
Knowledge of Rules
Failure to read these rules or lack of understanding is not the responsibility of Midwest Outdoor Experience or staff. Midwest Outdoor Experience or staff have the right at their own discretion to disqualify anyone who fails to abide by or meet any of these rules listed.